Shop Etsy on Flipboard

Inside Flipboard / March 27, 2013


Holy handmade handbag! Time to flex that credit card and prepare those fingers for some intense flipping: Etsy, the vibrant marketplace for handcrafted things, has been given the Flipboard treatment.

Each Etsy item is now beautifully presented within Flipboard on customized pages that contain bright photos, text about the product and a buy button that takes you to Etsy to make your purchase. Check it out in this section, which combines the Etsy blog with our favorite Etsy items.

Click here to browse Etsy on Flipboard.

Flip through the section or name on the section name to see a sidebar that links to 12 of Etsy’s essential categories, such as Art, Jewelry, Kids, Vintage and Wedding. Tap on any of these categories to browse scores of items. When you find something intriguing, tap to buy or press the + button to save it into a Flipboard magazine.

Now that Etsy is part of the new edition of Flipboard, there are many ways to collect and share gorgeous handmade products. You could curate a magazine around:

You can even add to your Etsy picks by flipping in articles, photos and videos from other sources, and you can top it all off with soundtrack from SoundCloud. (For more about how to curate on Flipboard, check out our Get Started Guide.) The possibilities are as big and creative as Etsy itself.

~The Flipboard Team