Chicago Tribune’s Scott Kleinberg Shares His Tips on How to Use Flipboard

MagMaker / September 26, 2013


Scott Kleinberg is the Chicago Tribune’s social media editor, and he showed up as a surprise celebrity guest at last night’s Flipboard Flip n’ Sip event in downtown Chicago. Scott also leads the Chicago Tribune’s Flipboard curation team, so we have him to thank for creating all these amazing magazines.

When we met Scott last night, he mentioned that, totally coincidentally, he had just written an article about how to use Flipboard. And even more totally coincidentally, the article was scheduled to appear this morning. Sure enough, when we awoke in Chicago earlier today, there it was in the Tribune, for all to see.

Scott’s piece is called “How to Create Magazines Using Flipboard,” and in addition to explaining the basics of what Flipboard is all about, he also provides these useful pearls of Magmaker wisdom:

Why Flipboard? Why not just collect my tweets or save to bookmarks in my browser? With Flipboard, you can create a magazine called Social Media and flip content into it that you can share with others. I do that with all of these So Social columns, and you can find it here. And you can still share that magazine with all your favorite social networks.

The “subscribe” button is powerful. You use this button to add a magazine to your Flipboard. That means you get the update as soon as it happens. And you can and are encouraged to flip content from that magazine into magazines of your own. Think of that as the equivalent of a retweet. Flipboard will keep track of how many readers you have, how many page flips and how many articles.

Gathering magazine content is pretty easy. Click on the + button from within Flipboard when you see something you’d like to add to your magazine. Or, add the Flip It bookmarklet to your browser to grab content directly from the web. You can add your own content too directly from your most used social networks.

You control the cover of your magazine. From within Flipboard, just click promote to cover. My pro tip: Change the cover as often as possible. You wouldn’t buy a magazine with the same cover from your corner newsstand, right? You’d just assume it was old. The more colorful and eye-grabbing, the better.

What’s your name? Think about what you want to call your magazine. Remember that sometimes simple is best and encourages others to find it.

Categories count. Make sure you add yours to the correct category so people can find it when they search. And Flipboard spotlights their favorites from readers, so you never know when someone will find yours.

Check out Scott’s Flipboard profile to see his personal magazines, as well as the beautiful storytelling he’s doing with the Chicago Tribune on Flipboard.