If You Love Your Magazines, Tell Your Fans to Subscribe

MagMaker / October 4, 2013


Pixel Art is a Flipboard magazine that combines beautiful images with focused curation around an unusual topic — 8-bit-style computer graphics. The result is a magazine that shows how designers have transformed the feel of vintage game consoles into a thoroughly contemporary visual aesthetic.

Curated by Aquilicoco, Pixel Art  has been steadily gaining fans, in part because Aquilicoco has been clever about encouraging his readers to subscribe to his magazine. This week, he even tweeted the 8-bit “Remember to Subscribe” graphic shown above to make the point perfectly clear.

When a reader subscribes to your Flipboard magazine, two wonderful things happen:

1) The magazine is added as a section on their Flipboard, and

2) When you flip new content into your magazine, they see it in their Cover Stories feed.

More subscribers means more people reading your magazine on a regular basis, which means more page flips, and more sharing, which leads to even more readers, which makes you feel great because that means people clearly love your stuff.

The subscribe button is the ribbon icon found on the top left of every Flipboard magazine page:


So go ahead; Encourage your fans to use it!


Image: Top, Subscribe graphic from @PixelArtM