These Flipboard Magazines Were Made for TV

MagMaker / April 16, 2014


Couch potatoes, rejoice: TV is here to stay. Our changing media habits haven’t traded depth for distribution. Shows like Game of Thrones, Mad Men and Justified prove that we crave substance, surprise and storytelling in equal measure. Yet we also want to watch our favorite shows anywhere or anytime — with or without a dedicated TV set.

There’s a lot of navigation required in the new world of television, but you don’t need to get off the couch to find out what to watch. Instead, read these television-themed magazines by Flipboard MagMakers to stay on top of what’s hot and what’s not — and where to find it.

Critical Television by ninakat67 examines television from an analytical perspective:



Disruptive TV by Kevin Behling analyzes viewership data and makes predictions on the future of programming:



TubeWatt by Kevin Watterson mag carries industry news and reviews of the latest TV entertainment:
