View Twitter Lists on Flipboard to Find Great Content for Your Magazines

MagMaker / January 15, 2014


If you’re a Flipboard MagMaker, you’re always on the hunt for relevant material to add to your magazines. Here’s a handy trick to make that task much easier.  Adding Twitter Lists to your Flipboard is a fast and convenient way to curate amazing Flipboard magazine content that makes readers say “Wow!” Here’s how you do it:

1. Connect Your Twitter Account to Flipboard
If you haven’t already done this, add your Twitter account to your Flipboard. Start by tapping the content guide under the red ribbon on the top right of the Flipboard start screen. Tap “Accounts,” then tap Twitter. Sign in to Twitter via Flipboard. Flipboard will then import your Twitter feed and add a Twitter tile to your Flipboard home screen.

2. Create or Edit Your Lists on Twitter
You can’t do this step on Flipboard; you have to do it on Twitter. Create a Twitter List of the best and most interesting Twitter users you follow about topics related to your Flipboard Magazine. Create dedicated lists for the best sources of information about the topics you love. Food, design, cars, architecture, cute cats, whatever.

3. Access Your Twitter Lists in Flipboard
Open your Twitter feed in Flipboard, then tap the word “Twitter” in the top bar to reveal the drop-down menu. Tap “Your Lists,” then tap the topical Twitter List you created. You can also access  any Twitter Lists you’ve subscribed to in Twitter by tapping “Lists You Follow.”

4. Save Your Twitter List as a Flipboard Feed
Once you’ve opened Twitter List on Flipboard, you can save it as a feed by tapping the “Subscribe” button at top left. That adds the Twitter List as a tile in your Flipboard Table of Contents. Read it often, because the feed is refreshed constantly. Use the “+” button to add the best material to your magazines.

5. Receive Compliments
Flush with a steady feed of great new content, people will ask how you always seem to find such fresh and interesting things to share. Smile, act surprised and feign modesty.